2015 ISCC National Specialty
Long Sault, Ontario
Juvenile Sweepstakes. 12-15 male Captiva's Time Is On My Side Jill Taylor
Veteran Sweeps: Ch Midnight Blue Perregrin Took (10 years and over) Noreena Seery
3-6 Month Puppy: Silverstone Skye Tara Lynne Sheilah Davidson
12-15 Month Dog : Captiva's Time is on My Side Jill Taylor
Canadian Bred Dog: Dunhanlon of Munstervale Cheryl Geeiken& Tina Cockram
Bred By Exhibitor : Ramblin Red Slamdunk Irish Rover Peter Kubacz, Katherine Tooey, Anne Marie Kubacz
Open Dog:: Piperbrooks Emerald Star Paul and Sandy Seymor,Lindsay Waterman
Veteran Dog: Ch Midnight Peregrin Took Noreena Seery
Winners Dog: OPEN DOG
Reserve Winners Dog: Shadagee Crime Spree. Linda Callaghan
Canadian Bred Bitch: Sillalahs Sparking Shannon. Don and Florence Pullen
Bred by Exhibitor Bitch: Ramblin Red Slamdunk No Nay Never Peter Kubacz, Anne Marie Kubacz, and Katherine Tooey
Open Bitch: Erinshire's Forever Stars Will Shine Brenda D Pierhal & Leon M Pierhal
Veteran Bitch: CH Midnightblue Cabernet Sauvignon Noreena Seery
Winners Bitch: Ramblin Red Slamdunk No Nay Never Peter and Anne Marie Kuacz and Katherine Tooey
Reserve Winners Bitch: OPEN FEMALE
Best of Breed: GCHX Elrin's Unequivocal Contender Pauline Taylor
Best of Opposite Sex: CH Captiva Our Vision Jill Taylor
Best of Winners: Piperbrooks Emerald Star Paul and Sandy Seymour,Lindsay Waterman
Select Male: CH Erinshires Forever Stars and Stripes Brenda and Leon Pierhal
Select Female: CGH Huntersglen Cheerleader at Samphire, GCN Karin Georgeoff & Kim Kleinscmidt
Brood Bitch: CH Sillalah"s Bridget Donnelly Donald and Florence Pullen
Many thanks to Connie O'Brien (sweeps Judge), Patrick Hunt (ring steward), Jim and Linda Mackenzie (friends), Pauline Taylor (arranged a significant donation by Purina for exhibitors bags and who with Linda Mackenzie prepared all the conformation trophies) and Anne Perkins (donated some ribbons, organized the rest, found the ring flowers and worked hard in the performance events), all of whom were of great assistance to the Club